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Tuesday, August 10

Fall Spelling Activities

Falling leaves and the back-to-school feeling is in the air! I am a huge fall fan! From apple cider to cozy sweaters and all things pumpkin spice, I think fall is where it’s at. My teacher heart gets excited any time that I can make spelling activities more engaging for my students. This year, I wanted to find a fun way to incorporate my love of fall into my students' spelling activities. I knew that creating fun fall spelling activities would help boost their engagement and desire to practice their spelling skills. These fall spelling activities allow my kiddos to practice their spelling words in fun fall ways that are also easy prep for me (talk about a win-win!) Read more to explore my favorite no-prep fall spelling activities.


The “Pumpkin Spice Pyramids” are an easy no-prep fall spelling activity to use this fall! I love having my students take time to decompose their trickiest spelling words in these pyramids. If you use this for a small group spelling activity, try having your students decompose the word then highlight their week's focus skill when the word is reassembled on the final pyramid step. You can explore this fall spelling activity by clicking HERE.


Another fall spelling activity that I love is “apple crisp spelling practice”. My students love when I integrate any artistic components into their spelling activities, so a simple practice and color station does the trick! I ask my students to use this fall spelling activity as a self-quiz the night before a spelling test. Students will sit with a buddy (after writing their trickiest words in the apples). Then, students will take turns quizzing each other on the words written inside their “apples”. Once their buddy quiz is complete, I have students switch papers and color the apples with correctly spelled words in yellow or green and apples with words that needed more practice in red. This gives kiddos a fun spelling activity to practice in class with as well as highlighted review for homework that night. You can explore this fall spelling activity by clicking HERE.


Syllable practice is so important. I love the fall spelling activity “scarecrow syllables” for this very reason. Here my students will have the chance to practice spelling each spelling word in their list but also visually see and hear or the word is chunked out syllabically. This fall spelling activity is a great one to use in a small group setting or when you first introduce a new spelling pattern/ chunk. You can explore this fall spelling activity by clicking HERE.

If you want to explore all of my editable no-prep fall spelling activities, click the picture below.

Looking to explore all of the fall teaching resources that you saw in this post? CLICK HERE to view them now!

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